
Get the latest news with the uact chronicle newsletter

Congratulations Kate Wooldridge of Westlake High: CVUSD’s November 2024 Teacher of the Month!

You can now access Calm, an award-winning, top-ranked app for guided meditation, relaxation and sleep, for free. You can also add up to five dependents to your account so they can take advantage of all Calm offers.


How can UACT meet YOUR needs? Use the form to let us know how we can support you!

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Supports/defends members' rights • Strives to improve working conditions • Monitors/enforces the contract • Represents members in mtgs that could lead to disciplinary actions • Maintains our association's bulletin board on campus • Presents views of colleagues to UACT's leadership • Serves as a site organizer by communicating information in person or electronically.

Follow UACT on Instagram: conejo_teachers

UACT on YouTube Check Us Out!! ConejoTeachers

CVUSD Board Meetings now available on YouTube.  "Be in the Know"


UACT would love to hear YOUR story or testimonial! Please email your request for to

view the current UACT Contract here!

view the current UACT Contract here!

UACT needs your help!  We are looking for pictures of teachers doing great things with their classes,  student projects, and candid shots of our members to feature on our website.  Please send photos and brief description to Karla Stevenson.